Benamocarro Malaga
My visit to the fair in October
As I visit the little towns in the province of Málaga, I will write about my adventures. Videos, photographs, timetable of events etc., as well as my personal opinion to whether or not it is worth returning to next year!
This weekend we all visited Benamocarro. All means my family together with my Scottish neighbour, her Spanish husband and their two children. Here you can see the couple with me!
Benamocarro is a little village near Velez-Málaga. It was easy to get to, well sign-posted. The welcome sign is nicely set amongst the trees and made out of typical Spanish tiles.
Click here to see where it is on Google maps. Benamocarro Malaga
Benamocarro is a very small town just six square kilometres! The entrance isn't very pretty. It is quite hilly, with narrow streets, most with no pavements, and very few bars and shops. The people are very friendly as usual! Benamocarro Malaga
We arrived early in the morning to attend the 11am mass. The church was tiny, but very beautifully adorned. The locals were dressed in their best clothers and festive attire. When the mass finished, the ladies stayed behind singing. Benamocarro Malaga
The throne was decorated with lots of white carnations, ready to be paraded through the streets at 9pm. Benamocarro Malaga
The fair was in honour of the "Christ of Health"
Inside of the tiny Benamocarra church
At 1.30pm everybody went to the town's square to see some Spanish dancing on a central stage. Whilst the people watched the young dancers from the local dance schools, the cooks prepared the two massive paellas, a typical Spanish rice dish with shellfish and pork. First they prepared the fire on the ground. In the second video you can see the cooks adding bags and bags of rice to the cooked fish and meat, as well as the dancers on the stage and the busy square full to the brim of bustling bodies! Thirdly you can see the nearly finished rice dish, being stirred by the cook to release the steam so that the rice didn't overcook. It didn't! It was just right. Benamocarro Malaga
1. Preparing the fire
2. Adding the rice to the massive pans
3. Nearly ready!
The paella was very nice! The rice wasn't too soft, had lots of seafood, and they even gave you a free drink and a slice of Spanish bread to accompany the meal. My only complaint was the the town hall had not provided chairs and tables, so people sat on pavements, in doorways, on cars or used the cars as tables! I am glad I didn't park in the centre! There was also a lack of bins, so people just piled their empty plates in corners. Poor cleaners tomorrow morning!
We then had a walk around the stalls. They sold toys and "sugared almonds" which were lovely. Little David won a basketball keyring for shooting a toothpick target on a fun-stall. Here he is very proudly showing his prize! (You can see the car being used as a table behind him - not by us I must say!!)
At 4pm the local fairground opened. It was very hot, so jumping on the bouncy castle was out of the question, as the plastic burnt your bum! The locals would enjoy that later on when the sun went down!
At 5.15pm their was a singing show, of typical Spanish music by a group called "Trío de Se llama Copla". It was very noisy, I don't think the speakers could possibly get any louder! I will most certainly take cotton wool for my ears next year!
We left before the procession at 9pm as we had an hours drive home, and school for the children tomorrow! We also missed the magicians, comedians acts and local artist "Belen" due to sing at 11pm, as well as the final firework display planned for 2am.